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Fysiotherapie Brunssum

Your health is our concern

Fysio in Balance offers high-quality physiotherapy to help you live a happy and healthy life. Whether it is a rehabilitation program for injuries, help with a chronic condition or tips to stay active and injury-free, Fysio in Balance offers the care you need.


Physiotherapy I Manual therapy I Oedema therapy I Medical Taping I Touch for Health

In the field of quality care, within Brunssum and surroundings, Fysio in Balance is specialized in a wide range of disciplines to help you as a patient as best as possible. While we do everything we can to offer you as a patient top treatments, we also focus on preventive physiotherapy strategies, to ensure that you stay healthy for longer.

See below for a detailed explanation of our specializations

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The human body is an amazingly clever and well-organized whole of muscles, bones and joints that we have to be able to count on every day. Walking, standing, jumping, bending, they are often completely self-evident movements. You only realize that movement is not so self-evident when you start having problems. When the body does not cooperate for a while, for example due to knee, neck, back or shoulder complaints.

The person who knows all about this is the physiotherapist. This is the expert of our daily movement. You can go to him or her for the treatment of complaints, but also to prevent (worse) complaints.

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Manual therapy is a follow-up master's degree after physiotherapy that focuses on the more specific examination and treatment of the musculoskeletal system in general and the spine in particular.

Movement restrictions are often accompanied by both pain and reduced joint mobility. This can have a major impact on posture. A diagnosis can be made based on the research data obtained.

The treatment will not only aim to improve joint function, but also to optimize posture and movement during general daily life, work or sports.

During the treatment, the manual therapist tries to restore the lost mobility or to stabilize the excess movement by means of specific training.

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Manual lymph drainage is a massage technique that is used for edema. Oedema is another word for an abnormal accumulation of proteins and fluid in the body. There is a disturbed balance between the supply and discharge of this fluid. This can cause various complaints, including swelling, fatigue, a heavy feeling, pain and movement restrictions.

Oedema can have many causes. For example, swelling can occur after trauma or surgery, removal of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer, vascular problems or medication.

By means of lymphatic drainage, the excess fluid is brought to the still well-functioning part of the lymphatic system. With specific grips, the lymphatic system's own functioning is activated and stimulated. As a result, more fluid can be drained.

To achieve a better effect of the treatment, lymphatic drainage is combined with compression therapy (bandaging / therapeutic stockings) or lymphatic taping if necessary.

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Physical or psychological stress on the body can cause energy blockages. Muscle testing is used to map out where these energy blockages are and how they can be removed. When all blockages are removed, the energy will flow again and you can make optimal use of your body's self-healing capacity.

Touch for health is a muscle and energy strengthening method that combines Western muscle testing with traditional Chinese medicine.

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During the treatment a Flexchair®RBT (Torso Balance Trainer) is used.

The flexchair can be used to train the small deep muscles of the spine and deep abdominal muscles, so that coordination

and stability is improved. These structures will then be optimally

function, which will increase the back's resilience

and reduce back pain.

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Call or message today to schedule an appointment and let's see what we can do for you.


Medical Taping is an Asian taping method that not only has a stabilizing effect on joints, but also on muscle function and stimulates and supports blood and lymph circulation.

The indication area has been expanded:


  • (After) treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, such as back and shoulder complaints, but also knee and calf complaints.

  • Reduction of complaints such as edema or bruising

  • Posture correction

  • Treatment of overload complaints

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Home: Service
Physiotherapy Brunssum


BIG no.: 49062781104


  • Physiotherapy

  • Manual therapy

  • Medical Taping

  • Dry Needling

  • Touch for Health

  • Manual lymphatic drainage | Oedema Therapy

  • Fascia Techniques Willie Fourie Level 1

  • Neurodynamics lower and upper quarter

  • Functional osteopathy and integration

  • Rhythmic movement training

  • Owner

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BIG no.: 89925115704


  • Physiotherapy

  • Lifestyle Coach

  • Flexchair

physiotherapy brunssum


BIG no.: 69925492420


  • Physiotherapy

  • COPD

  • Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury

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BIG no.: 69925492420


  • Physiotherapy

  • Manual lymphatic drainage | Oedema Therapy


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Fysio In Balance has concluded contracts with all health insurers (with the exception of Menzis) in which the reimbursement is arranged. This means that we can declare directly with the health insurers. If you are no longer entitled to reimbursement from the supplementary insurance, the treatments will be at your own expense. The prices for the different types of treatment can be found in the price overview.


  • Regular physiotherapy session

  • Regular manual therapy session

  • Regular session edema therapy

  • Touch for health

  • One-time physiotherapy examination

  • Surcharge for home treatment

  • Missed appointment









Appointments must be cancelled 24 hours in advance. In case of no or late cancellation we are forced to charge you for the reserved time.


In order to be able to carry out your treatment as well as possible, your physiotherapist will keep a record of your administrative and medical data. The Personal Data Protection Act applies to this record. This law was drawn up to carefully handle the personal data you provide. You always have the right to information and to view your treatment file. Your data will not be provided to third parties without your permission, including close family.


Since 2006, a referral from a doctor is no longer required for physiotherapy treatment. So you can simply register with us. Of course, you can also still come to us with a referral from your doctor.


You are very welcome in our practice

Monday: 7:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 7:30 - 19:30
Wednesday: 7:30 - 19:30
Thursday: 7:30 - 19:30
Friday: 7:30 - 19:30

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We are here for you when you need us! Call or WhatsApp us to schedule an appointment or send a message via the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Address: Julianastraat 11 J, 6441 BR Brunssum

Tel: +31(0)45-5250357

Fax: 045-5255370

Tel: +31(0)683536188 (Kelly Mahler)

Tel: +31(0)642392973 (Tom Vliegen)

Tel: +31(0)657410516 (Alina Kramme)

Tel: +31(0)683800337 (Sam Gardeniers)

Bedankt voor uw bericht, we nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op.

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