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Of course we do everything we can to make the treatment and contact as smooth and pleasant as possible. However, it may happen that you have a complaint about the treatment. Another possibility is that you are dissatisfied with the way in which we as a practice or the therapists treat you. In that case, it is a good idea to make your complaint known. Not only for yourself, but also for other patients and for the quality of the physiotherapy. First of all, it is worth talking to your physiotherapist. You may find it difficult to discuss your complaint, as a conversation can be confrontational. In that case, take someone with you to the conversation, for example your partner, a family member, or someone else you trust. For advice on how to approach the conversation, you can contact the patient organization Zorgbelang ( ).

If it does not lead to a satisfactory solution, you can contact the complaints committee of the KNGF to which we are affiliated. This complaints committee is independent and assesses complaints against physiotherapists and/or employees of physiotherapy practices. The committee can, if requested, call in an external mediator to resolve the complaint or dispute.

Complaints Committee KNGF :
PO Box 248, 3800 AE Amersfoort
tel.: 033-4672900

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